What an Awesome, Hardworking Week We've Had
This past week has been totally awesome! We have been working hard during our math and reading MAP blitz. A lot of the skills were a review, but we did do some advanced strategies on a lot of them. Make sure they have practice in the basics as well, such as basic multiplication facts. Remind them they need to draw them out if they are unsure. Four digit subtraction can be a beast, especially when you're having to borrow. You would be shocked to see how many of them still get stumped for careless mistakes. If they come home and want to continue practicing, please allow them to work. One of my favorite sayings, "You're going to play the way you practice!" Some of them have already seen this come true. We have done everything from multiplying 4 digit by 1 digit to dividing with 1 divisor and remainders. Like I said, they have been working hard.
Also, we are a week away from spring break!! WooHoo!!!!! They are so ready for a break, but I just need them to contain it at least until Tuesday. 😁 Remember, Friday is a 1/2 day, so please make sure your child knows how they are getting home.
Thank You
Guess what!! We won the library prize for 100% Superhero shirts. We actually ties with Ms. Rosenberg's class. I brought extra shirts in and gave them to my students who didn't have one and then I passed the extra to Ms. Rosenberg. She was so close, so I said we could both be winners. Thank you to everyone who participated or wanted to and couldn't. We made it happen! Here's our winning photo!!
Donations Needed
We are in need of some things for the class. If you are willing to donate to the class, some things we need are glue sticks, boxes of tissues, pencils, pencil cap erasers, and items for the treat box we do on Fridays. The treat box is how they spend their Class Dojo points.
We will be going more in depth with poetry and figurative language. We are tying it in with our review of fast and slow land changes. There will also be some work on reference sources in relation to our study on government. Our test structure unit will continue while we are studying skills from "Penguin Chick". Of course, I had to show the kids excerpts from "Happy Feet", because it goes along so well with the story.
In math, we will finish our unit on fractions and continue reviewing perimeter of complex figures. Actually, since we will be getting ready for SC Ready, we will be reviewing a lot of skills we have already covered. As you check your child's homework for completion, you will see that it doesn't take them long to complete and some of the lessons can be combined. This is because I have already covered quite a few skills during our Math 4 Today lessons. These will also continue next week.
Topic A Quiz, Wednesday, April 10th
Topic B Quiz, Friday, April 12th (tentatively scheduled)Topic C, Lessons 10-13 Newsletter

We will continue working on fast and slow land changes while incorporating different landforms. Some of our readings about these natural disasters and landforms will be in poetry form. As you can tell, that will be incorporating reading skills into our science. I don't plan on having a regular test, but they will receive a test grade from the poetry they will be creating about these changes and landforms.
Social Studies

In social studies, we will be wrapping up our unit on government and moving into the Antebellum time period. there will be no test for the government section either, but they will have a one pager that will count as a test grade. They will have their regular notes and some additional readings for the Antebellum period.

In social studies, we will be wrapping up our unit on government and moving into the Antebellum time period. there will be no test for the government section either, but they will have a one pager that will count as a test grade. They will have their regular notes and some additional readings for the Antebellum period.
First, let me thank my wonderful chaperones who helped Friday with our field study at the state museum: Ms. Anthony, Ms. Barker, Mrs. Bell, and Ms. Wright (and I didn't get to get a picture of my beautiful chaperones). The kids had an awesome time and we were all thoroughly exhausted when we returned to school. Hopefully, as they toured the museum, they were able to relate some of the artifacts to what we have studied. If not, I'm sure they learned some interesting facts about South Carolina history. I'm sharing the pictures from my phone and I will add more as they are sent to me. As you can tell, no graded papers came home but they will come home next Friday.
Community News
3rd Quarter Honor Roll Recognition
Students will be recognized for achieving 3rd quarter honor roll on the morning show at Upper Campus. The morning show begins at 8:00am.
-Monday, April 22nd for 5th grade
-Tuesday, April the 23rd for 4th grade-Wednesday, April the 24th for 3rd grade
Upper Campus Career Day
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources ⚈ Architecture & Construction
Arts, A/V Technology & Communications⚈Business Management & Administration
Education & Training ⚈ Finance ⚈Government & Public Administration
Health Sciences ⚈ Hospitality & Tourism ⚈ Human Services
Information Technology⚈ Law Public Safety ⚈ Corrections & Security⚈Manufacturing
Lake Carolina Elementary Upper Career Day
Thursday, May 23rd
If you are interested in volunteering as a speaker, please click HERE NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, APRIL 26TH. You will be contacted to confirm your participation and will be provided with more event details.
Thank you in advance for taking time out of your busy schedule to share your career with our students! I look forward to meeting everyone in the Lake Carolina Elementary Upper Community!
Mrs. Dana Aldighieri, Career Specialist
Mrs. Jessica Skinner, School Counselor
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